The Old Court Room

This classic private dining room offers stunning views of Whittington Gardens. Inside, you’ll find a unique collection of members’ silver spoons dating back to the 1500s, along with the Innholders’ collection of antique glassware. The ornate ceiling, adorned with gold trimmings from 1670, adds a touch of grandeur.

The beautiful oak-panelled room is a popular choice for smaller breakfast and lunch meetings. It’s also a favourite spot for special gastronomic dinners.

Wi-Fi is available for your convenience.

Room Details

Dimensions: 7m x 6m.

Oval table: 22 guests capacity.

U shape table: 27 guest capacity.

Round tables: 28 guest capacity.

Reception: 30 guest capacity.

Room Hire Rate

Innholders’ Hall is a prestigious historic venue hence the room rate is a direct representation of the running costs and resources dedicated by the Worshipful Company of Innholders to the upkeeping and overseeing of this cherished space.

The Old Court Room

(Min covers 16)

Half Day

(09:00 - 12:00
or 12:00 - 15:00)



(09:00 - 15:30)



(17:00 - 22:00)


All Day

(09:00 - 22:00)


All rates exclude VAT & food & drink packages. Lodges & Livery rates upon request.